Outside The Palace Wallsand foes have become our mastersreap what you sowtomorrows firesthe dicedefaultfollow the instructionsblame?fobiaonly dead can survive

Tomorrow’s fires
Medium: CD
Style: death metal core
Record Date: 1-2/2011
Release Date: 09.04.2011
Recorded at Kocis sound & records
Mixed by Kocis and F.O.B.
Mastered at AVIK Studio
Produced by F.O.B.
Cover and Art by BIS
Released by METALGATE
1. To Name The Things Right
2. Feeding on your Fear
3. Forgiveness
4. Rain of Thoughts
5. Ink Smears
6. Describing the Emptiness
7. The Ever Searching Seagull Poem
8. Tomorrow’s Fires
9. Bloodless
10. The Silhouette In The Dark Reminds Me of You
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