Outside The Palace Wallsand foes have become our mastersreap what you sowtomorrows firesthe dicedefaultfollow the instructionsblame?fobiaonly dead can survive

Bendis - guitars, vocals
Name: Jiří Beneš
Born: 19. 3. 1980
Job: Web aplications developer
Musical Education:
- Musical School in Tabor - Classic guitar (1990- 1995)
- Private lessons: Rock guitar (1995-1997)
- Musical School in Tabor - Rock guitar (1997- 1998)
- F.O.B. – death metal (1995 - 2010)
- Why Quiet – rock band (1993-1995)
- Others: several jams with any musicians from Tábor
Music, computers, graphics, programming, nature
Favourite bands:
no grind and other stuff, but all styles from high quality funky, rock, to technical death-metal
Favourite meal & drink:
beer for eating, and I do not know what stuff for drinking :-)
- 6-string guitar Epiphone (Steinberger mechanism, EMG Select)
- strings D'addario hybrid 9/10
- effect ZOOM GFX-4
- effect WahWah - George Dennis
- amplifier - Marshall JCM 900
- boxes - Marshall 380W (1960A), Marshall 380W (1960B)
- several cabels and other stuff... replicas relojes
Motto: It is really sad to see how people are thinking about each other
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