Outside The Palace Wallsand foes have become our mastersreap what you sowtomorrows firesthe dicedefaultfollow the instructionsblame?fobiaonly dead can survive

Profesor - guitar
Name: Jaroslav Kučera
Born: 6.12.1981
Job: ČNB
Musical Education: Classical guitar, then nothing, punk afterwards and self-learning at the end.
- 1999-2002: NO1
- 2002-2005: Onewaylow
- 2005-2010: Gibbet
- FOB since 9/2010
Hobbies: playing and sport (in case I have any free time left)
Favourite bands: anything I like which ranges from metal, rock, to RNB or jazz
Favourite meal & drink: asian cuisine, namely ma-po tofu or kimchi ramen, red wine to drink
- Mesa Boogie Triple rectifier Solo head,
- Box ESH 4x12" Celestion Vintage,
- custom guitar
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