Outside The Palace Wallsand foes have become our mastersreap what you sowtomorrows firesthe dicedefaultfollow the instructionsblame?fobiaonly dead can survive

THE ADULT TOYS - videoclip (taken from "..And Foes Have Become Our Masters" album (2015)
SONS OF OBLIVION - lyric video (taken from "..And Foes Have Become Our Masters" album (2015)
DEBTS OF IMPERFECTION - videoclip (taken from "..And Foes Have Become Our Masters" album (2015)
RAIN OF THOUGHTS - videoclip (taken from "Tomorrow's Fires" album (2011)
FROZEN - videoclip (taken from "The Dice" album (2008)
DICE - live videoclip (taken from "The Dice" album (2008)
TIME - live videoclip (taken from "The Dice" album (2008)
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