Outside The Palace Wallsand foes have become our mastersreap what you sowtomorrows firesthe dicedefaultfollow the instructionsblame?fobiaonly dead can survive

Mára - vocals
Name: Marek Dostál
Born: June 12 1987
Job: student
Musical education:
Basic artistic school in Sezimovo Ústí 2, branch: bass guitar
Pandora(2002-2004), Lucretia(2004-2006), Publick industry (now), F.O.B. (2008-2023), records demo with band Infall from Bechyně
classical musician hobbies :-)
Fafourite bands:
almost all from rock to total death grind smash, metalcore, Divine heresy, Carnal forge, Six feet under, Nightrage.
Favourite meal & drink:
pizza, canned hermelin (czech cammembert :), meat...to drink water, cola, tequila, polička:)) (native lager 12°)
microphone Shure....
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