Outside The Palace Wallsand foes have become our mastersreap what you sowtomorrows firesthe dicedefaultfollow the instructionsblame?fobiaonly dead can survive

Date of Birth: 05/02/1990
Occupation: Student / IT Consultant
Daniel - guitar
Name: Daniel Mazanec
Date of Birth: 05/02/1990
Occupation: Student / IT Consultant
Music education:
1996-2009 Art School, Prague 3, field: classical piano
2005-2009 Art School, Prague 3, Field: rock guitar
2006-2009 Art School, Prague 4, field: sound recording industries
..finally I found best to be self-taught.
- 2006-2009: Dalgoreth
- 2007-2009: AGband
- 2009-?: Genuine Relief
- since 1/2012: F.O.B.
Hobbies: extreme sports, IT, music and alcohol
Favorite bands: In music I like new ideas and experiments, contrasts and avant-garde. So I like hundreds of artists across the music genres, from electro and nu-jazz, downtempo over dubstep, drum'n'bass to rock giants and with
Favorite food and drink: Korean cuisine, cheese, beefsteak, beef, potato pancakes ... beer, white wine and anything am I invited on :]
- ENGL Invader 100
- Box Custom 4x12" Jensen Bugera
- Ibanez RG1527 Prestige guitar MIJ, Ibanez RG470 MIJ, Fender Stratocaster, Stratocaster RGD
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